In late January 2017, ANSA, an Italian press agency, used the phrase “Polish concentration camp” on two occasions in its press releases. The first time the expression was removed following an intervention by Polish embassy. Unfortunately, on 31 January the phrase was used again.
In view of these events, Polish League Against Defamation prepared a petition signed by 13,000 people and addressed to ANSA journalists. The agency received nearly 2 million e-mails against its publication of such untruthful content.
Following talks and arrangements between Polish Embassy to Rome and ANSA, we prepared an announcement that was cited in a press release and published on our website. In addition, the release was sent to all website subscribers, and journalists and third-party collaborators were advised in a memo to make sure they use appropriate definitions in relation to concentration camps.
Following our protest, the phrase was changed to “campo di concentramento nazista”.